European Commission publishes draft proposals for delegated acts modifying regulation 2017/625

Publié le 17/12/2019
In December 2019, these acts will become the official controls for food of animal origin. Members of EWFC reviewed the published text and came with a short report on their findings.
The text of the proposal shows that Members of the European Parliament Environment Committee, during the creation of regulation 2017/625, did a very good job of protecting the European consumers:
"The question of who should perform meat inspections was extensively discussed during the negotiations concerning Regulation (EU) 2017/625 with the Council and the European Parliament during all stages of the ordinary legislative procedure."
The Commission also consulted the public, "The question of who should perform meat inspections was extensively discussed during the negotiations concerning Regulation (EU) 2017/625 with the Council and the European Parliament during all stages of the ordinary legislative procedure."
The conclusion may be drawn that the proposals not seem to contain obvious attempts to transfer more official controls to Food Business Operator (FBO) staff. However, EWFC continue to have concerns about some aspects of the draft. Download the EWFC report on the proposals report here.
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